Monday, 29 June 2009

Multiculturalism - racism at its most extreme Part 2

Thanks to the BNP website for this story:

The Government has admitted that its housing policy has always been anti-British and hence the sudden change in direction announced today, said the British National Party’s deputy press officer John Walker.

Speaking to BNP News, Mr Walker, who is also a councillor in North Wales, said that the announcement by Gordon Brown today that British-born people will now get priority in the housing queue over immigrants and ‘asylum seekers’ was “proof positive that British people are put last.”

“Why else would there now be a change in policy if the old one was not anti-British?” Mr Walker asked.

“For years the BNP has said that British people are put last in the council housing queue, and for years the Government and Tories alike have said we were lying.

“But now we have an official announcement from the Prime Minister that a new policy is to be introduced which will ban immigrants and asylum seekers from jumping the housing queue. Mr Brown is in effect saying that prior to this, immigrants and asylum seekers were jumping the queue - just as the BNP said.”

The policy shift was a transparent attempt to try and win back support which the Labour Party has lost to the BNP, Mr Walker continued.

“This is of course hopeless, and merely shows how out of touch Mr Brown and his party are with the electorate.

“People are upset over the fact they have been put last on the housing queue. But they are also upset over the selling off of all the public utilities, the bailing out of the bankster criminals, the flooding of our country with mass Third World immigration, the criminal foreign wars into which Labour and Tories alike have plunged our soldiers, the destruction of our educational system and so much more,” he said.

“To think that people are going to go back to the Labour Party just because the Prime Minister has admitted that his party’s housing policies are indeed anti-British is a delusion.

“Those who have seen through the Labour Party and have switched to the BNP are well aware that almost everything that comes out of Westminster these days is a pack of lies,” Mr Walker said.

“People know that the BNP was the only party which raised the issue of the anti-British housing policies, and that we were berated for doing so. Now that we have been proven right yet again, we are going to take the credit, and the other parties better accept it.”

But of course since then the Government has backtracked on the statements it made earlier in the day with this statement:

"There is a myth and there is a perception that somehow the way that houses are allocated is unfair it's inflexible it doesn't help people that want to move because they are looking for work and there is some truth in that," he said. He went on; "I'm not going to change the rules that those who've got the most serious housing needs get the priority."

Quote: "those who've got the most serious housing needs get the priority." this means that any itinerant economic migrant that comes into this country gets a house under their rules as these people are obviously in most need as they are thousands of miles away from where they should be, why the hell should they be given housing before our children? NO THIS IS NOT RACIST but commonsense as the social housing in Great Britain was built with taxpayers money to make sure that there was a safety net for those that could never afford to get on the housing market and that means nowadays anyone with a household income of £40,000 a year or less who actually make up a large percentage of under thirties.

Quote: "
it doesn't help people that want to move because they are looking for work", ummmmm what work - in the last four months there has been an average of 4 local jobs in our local job centre and I know of one family that did move in the hope of getting work and are now far worse off than before (no job and no social housing offer), I know that in this area of the country there is high unemployment yet local farmers and businesses take on migrant workers a s they are cheap to employ and also social housing is now being dished out to them, in the last month my local town (which had four Sikh family's and two west indian family's) is now inundated with Islamic, African, Polish and Romanian family's all taking up local housing stock (as I have been told by a local politician that they have to because of the law) and all jobs now have gone including fruit picking!!!

Multiculturalism is a stain on society and is exactly what the superstate we call the EU wants as this means all peoples across Europe will be distilled down so no one can call a nation their own. Not only that these fools do not realise that in the meantime Islam is moving in and will eventually be the official religion of the EU.

Friday, 26 June 2009

Multiculturalism - racism at its most extreme Part 1

I refer back to my old friend Wiki:

Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.[1] In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or get preferential treatment, while reverse racism favours members of a historically disadvantaged group at the expense of those of a historically advantaged group. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, even though anybody can be racialised, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination.

Please note Trevor Phillips that the UN recognises you as a racist with the latest anti indigenous claptrap that you are trying to push through and I hope that Nationalist Party's throughout the country take up the banner against you, lets just have a quick look at ethnic organisations in this country shall we?

Non Indigenous groups:

The Black Police association
Black people’s mental health association
Black and Asian therapists online
National BME mental health network
Federation of Black housing organizations
The Black Londoners forum
Positive action in Housing,Asian modelling service
Society of Black lawyers,London
Society of Asian lawyers,London
Ethnic media Group
Al-Nisa Muslim Women’s Group
Al-Nur Muslim Women’s Association
Antrim Chinese Community Association
Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
Chinese Welfare Association
The Windsor Fellowship
Sponsors for Educational opportunity,(SEO)London
Link Net Mentoring
Suga fix media arts
Sussex Black police Association
The National Black Writers and Artist Association
Black students Association
UK Black teachers Association
Black UK online
Ashiana Housing Association Ltd.
UK Asian business directory
Asian People’s Disability alliance
Asian arts agency
Black Enterprise awards
AIM magazine
Natwest Bank (Asian Entrepreneurs Unit)
Asian Voice
Black womens rape action Project,BWRAP,London
The Drum,African,asian arts venue,Birmingham
Black training and enterprise group
UK Black Pride
Ethnic Minority Foundation,London
Oshwal Elderly Welfare Association,Surrey
Ethnic Minority and Black Regional Action for Community Empowerment (EMBRACE),Birmingham
MENTER,Regional network for Black / Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary organisations
Black and Minority Ethnic Elders Group,Scotland
Latin American elderly project,London
Latin American golden years day centre
Naz project London,Sexual health & AIDS prevention(NPL)
The Black Fundraisers Network,London
Black Arts Alliance,Manchester
Southall Black sisters,Middlesex
Black student union
Dudley Black regeneration council
Black Professional events,events planners
Black Health Agency,Manchester
National Association for the advancement of Black people,
African Caribbean Development agency (ACDA)
African caribbean education and training services (ACETS)
Amaani Tallawah mental health support services,Nottingham
APNA arts,Nottingham
Asian day centre,Nottingham
Broxtowe African Caribbean Elders group
BUILD Nottingham Mentor project
Calabash supplementory school
Afrik-African International Network,Nottingham
Asian mens group
Somerset Black development agency (SBDA)
Black families education support group,Bath & somerset

and now the indigineous group:

British National Party

Yet Trevor Phillips wants to ban the BNP and all the rest should be left alone, well that doesn't surprise me but would it hold up in the British Courts? Of course it would in this Marxist dominated country, then the next question is would it hold up in the European Courts? Of course it would as the European Superstate publicly agrees with the watering down of nations so they can create a European Superstate. Obviously the next question is would it hold up at the UN?? Absolutely not but the UN is absolutely powerless to stop Race Genocide as proven in Zimbabwe.

So what happens if this is made law?? In my mind there are 2 scenarios - one is that the BNP is forced into changing Article 2 of its Constitution and makes very small concessions and maybe lets in a Sikh or 2 but never lets them have any power and then everything carries on as before with the difference that no one will be able to call them racist. The second scenario is that the BNP folds and goes underground feeding on the anger of the British people and eventually this could lead to flashpoints that would make Germany in the thirties look like a Teddy Bears Picnic.

So is Multiculturalism racist - of course it is and always will be as it always forces the indigenous people to make concessions to the invaders - very much like the Saxons did with the Norman invaders over 100 years, the only difference between then and now is that the Normans were honest about what they were doing and by force of arms they changed a whole way of life but this government is doing it with stealth and a unhealthy dose of Stalinism.

More to come.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Immigration - is it Racist to be against it?

The Communist asylum system created by the Labour Dictatorship is an affront to the British People. It provides both lucrative opportunities to greedy lawyers and a political cause for Marxists and Anarchists such as searchlight and the UAF who loathe their own country.
What the asylum racket brings is higher taxes, a greater strain on public services and the accelerating breakdown in society.
The charity Migrant Helpline which operated an open residential unit was hailed as an alternative to locking up families before their deportation. It was estimated that over 260 families would be assisted by the scheme. But in practice, the unit dealt with just 13 families, only one of which actually went back home and the cost to the Taxpayer??? £1 million pounds, yes that right £1m to send one family home, it would be laughable if it wasn't so outrageous.
The whole asylum system has become synonymous with fraud, incompetence and contempt for the rights of British citizens.

The vast majority of so-called asylum seekers are not genuine refugees at all, but are simply economic migrants seeking a better life here, particularly by exploiting our generous welfare system. Asylum claims are up by 27 per cent this year, while the backlog caused by unresolved cases and missing files is getting larger than ever. All this represents a huge burden to the taxpayer. The total cost of Home Office support for asylum seekers is running at more than £500 million-a-year and over the last eight years the Government has spent no less than £6.6 billion on such assistance. There is a simple solution to the asylum racket. We should strengthen our borders and concentrate on the needs of the British population and get out of Europe and treat it as a trading partnership. All those Asylum seekers who are rejected should be deported immediately back to their last country of exit without being allowed to stay for a moment on British soil.

Asylum campaigners, led by Labour politicians, trade unions such as UNITE, pressure groups such as SEARCHLIGHT and hand-wringing Church of England leaders, have donned the mantle of moral righteousness, constantly accusing their opponents of cruelty or racism. Through a barrage of propaganda, they wail about the destitution endured by failed asylum seekers or the horrors of places like Somalia, Eritrea or Afghanistan, from where the majority of claimants originate. Since its creation, the National Lottery has handed over £75 million to asylum causes, such as the £400,000 grant last December to the North of England Refugee Service to help asylum seekers claim benefits.
Just as importantly, the asylum mess is another part of the civic order’s drive to destroy our nationhood. The destruction of our traditional British identity through the promotion of asylum and mass immigration has been a fundamental theme of socialism over the last twelve years.
The chaos is not a mistake. It is a deliberate policy aimed at transforming our country into a society that will end up as part of a European Superstate and we, the British people will be a forgotten race consigned to the History books.

Import - Export with Iran

Well I guess we are probably safe from the Taliban etc at home as they all seem to have found a new focus in Iran. In the News this morning beamed across the world is the story of British Passport holders rioting on the streets of Tehran. First this is no business of ours as a country so what are these idiots doing there in the first place? Could it be they are funded by our government through one of the many immigrant charity's that commissars Blair and Brown setup, you might laugh but this is the sort of thing that your hard earned taxpayers money goes into in Soviet Britain, just like the Russians in the days of the cold war our government interferes and tries to destabilise countries that they feel are out of step with their way of thinking but will give aid to country's such as Zimbabwe because they are good communist states.
Going back to the people who have gone out to Iran to demonstrate I send this message to them across the ether:


Wednesday, 24 June 2009

What is Nationalism

To quote wiki "

Nationalism refers to an ideology, a sentiment, a form of culture, or a social movement that focuses on the nation.[1] It is a type of collectivism emphasizing the collective of a specific nation. While there is significant debate over the historical origins of nations, nearly all specialists accept that nationalism, at least as an ideology and social movement, is a modern phenomenon originating in Europe.[2] Precisely where and when it emerged is difficult to determine, but its development is closely related to that of the modern state and the push for popular sovereignty that came to a head with the French Revolution in the late 18th century. Since that time, nationalism has become one of the most significant political and social forces in history, perhaps most notably as a major influence or cause of World War I and especially World War II with the rise of fascism, a radical and authoritarian nationalist ideology.[3][4][5][6]

As an ideology, nationalism holds that 'the people' in the doctrine of popular sovereignty is the nation, and that as a result only nation-states founded on the principle of national self-determination are legitimate. Since most states are multinational, or at least home to more than one group claiming national status,[7] in many cases nationalist pursuit of self-determination has caused conflict between people and states including war[8] (both external and domestic), secession; and in extreme cases, genocide.

Nationalism is a strong social phenomenon in the world as national flags, national anthems and national divisions are examples of 'banal' nationalism that is often mentally unconscious.[9] Moreover, some scholars argue that nationalism as a sentiment or form of culture, sometimes described as 'nationality' to avoid the ideology's tarnished reputation, is the social foundation of modern society. Industrialization, democratization, and support for economic redistribution have all been at least partly attributed to the shared social context and solidarity that nationalism provides.[10][11][12]

Even though nationalism ultimately is based on supporting ones own nation, nationalists of different states may perfectly well cooperate among each other as to support the ultimate worldwide belief that all groups of nationalities have the right to have their own nations.

Nevertheless, nationalism remains a hotly contested subject on which there is little general consensus. The clearest example of opposition to nationalism is cosmopolitanism, with adherents as diverse as liberals, Marxists, and anarchists, but even nationalism's defenders often disagree on its virtues, and it is common for nationalists of one persuasion to disparage the aspirations of others for both principled and strategic reasons. Indeed, the only fact about nationalism that is not in dispute may be that few other social phenomena have had a more enduring impact on the modern world."

There have been and are many Nationalist states in the world, some are extreme and obnoxious such as Nazi Germany, Zimbabwe and others too numerous to mention, but there are some where Nationalism can and does work for the good of its people and country such as Ataturk Nationalism in Turkey. Ataturk is anti racist and also pro secularism which in a country like ours is a good thing.

Because of the Nazis Nationalism has been tarnished as racist by anyone opposed to it and in this country that means all of the greedy fat pigs that are in power at the moment are against it and put across an anti racist stance (even though they promote associations for ethnic minorities and are about to outlaw all indigineous organisations - which is also racist). This blog will make a stand and highlight all of these issues and more so watch out all the Marxists, Liberals and other anti nationalist because we are coming for you and we will wake the people up and show you for what you really are.