The Communist asylum system created by the Labour Dictatorship is an affront to the British People. It provides both lucrative opportunities to greedy lawyers and a political cause for Marxists and Anarchists such as searchlight and the UAF who loathe their own country.
What the asylum racket brings is higher taxes, a greater strain on public services and the accelerating breakdown in society.
The charity Migrant Helpline which operated an open residential unit was hailed as an alternative to locking up families before their deportation. It was estimated that over 260 families would be assisted by the scheme. But in practice, the unit dealt with just 13 families, only one of which actually went back home and the cost to the Taxpayer??? £1 million pounds, yes that right £1m to send one family home, it would be laughable if it wasn't so outrageous.
The whole asylum system has become synonymous with fraud, incompetence and contempt for the rights of British citizens.
The vast majority of so-called asylum seekers are not genuine refugees at all, but are simply economic migrants seeking a better life here, particularly by exploiting our generous welfare system. Asylum claims are up by 27 per cent this year, while the backlog caused by unresolved cases and missing files is getting larger than ever. All this represents a huge burden to the taxpayer. The total cost of Home Office support for asylum seekers is running at more than £500 million-a-year and over the last eight years the Government has spent no less than £6.6 billion on such assistance. There is a simple solution to the asylum racket. We should strengthen our borders and concentrate on the needs of the British population and get out of Europe and treat it as a trading partnership. All those Asylum seekers who are rejected should be deported immediately back to their last country of exit without being allowed to stay for a moment on British soil.
Just as importantly, the asylum mess is another part of the civic order’s drive to destroy our nationhood. The destruction of our traditional British identity through the promotion of asylum and mass immigration has been a fundamental theme of socialism over the last twelve years.
The chaos is not a mistake. It is a deliberate policy aimed at transforming our country into a society that will end up as part of a European Superstate and we, the British people will be a forgotten race consigned to the History books.
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