Thought I would stop work and watch the news tonight and boy was it worth it.
BNP Leader Nick Griffin MEP was featured and the story was the first one in ages where you had a politician speaking the truth and also being tongue in cheek, or was he.
Nick has said today that we should get tough and sink some of the boats coming over from Africa using what could loosely be termed "gunboat diplomacy" and throw them a life raft.
See link for full story:
BNP News Story
I actually agree with you Nick and thank you for speaking out, Australia already does this and it works, so if Australia are not being racist then surely we would not be racist by doing the same. The great thing about this idea is that under maritime law all those that are shipwrecked must be rescued and put ashore to the nearest country and then be repatriated to the country of origin so these illegal economic immigrants would end up going round in circles.
I am sure that the PC Marxist brigade such as searchlight and the UAF will be up in arms about this but they will be in the minority as most people are now fed up with being swamped across Europe with these economic vampires.
Of course an easier solution would be to make Great Britain unpalatable to these people by stopping the free state handouts that they get when they enter this country.
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