Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Working classes betrayed

On the front page of the Daily Express today was the Headline "SHAMELESS 60% of council tenants don't pay rent" sounds like a good story doesn't it, well as far as I can see they are twisting scumbags that con the British people (that is The Daily Express not the tenants).
I regard myself as a nationalist but I am Centre Right and this story disgusted me as it should every fair minded person in this country. We have to have a look at the History of Social housing to understand what is really happening here.

Social Housing was set up to look after those people who could never afford to buy a house and a safety cushion for the less fortunate in our society (ie disabled, elderly etc) and for those leaving Her Majesties Forces. What I did notice about this story is how the paper took certain facts and figures and made the people in Social Housing out to be scum that should all be gassed. For example I quote

"Average incomes of council tenants have plummeted since the early 1980s when the majority of people living in local authority accommodation were in low-income jobs and paid their own rent.

Between 1981 and 2006, the proportion of social housing tenants in full-time employment fell from 67 per cent to 34 per cent."

Full time employment has fallen because previous and present governments since 1981 have killed of our manufacturing industry,our mining, steel and fuel industry's and small businesses which is where the majority of these people used to work. There is no work for people who basically will never be the brightest sparks on the planet but they are people who would normally have a niche in society and it is one that is normally essential, but things are not normal in this country any more not since the days of Mrs Thatcher's war with the Unions and the Miners when she effectively killed off the working class communities by closing down their pits and their factories, I like Mrs Thacher mind you but always felt that she acted like a woman scorned when confronted with the nations workers. Then the government decided to sell off the housing stock either to individuals under the right to buy (which was a great idea if they had only built a house for everyone that they sold) or they sold to Housing Associations (private enterprise which means profit making by the way which isn't too bad provided rents stay at an acceptable level and work gets done - not like my local Association Aragon or ARROGANT as their tenants and locals call them).

So what are these working class people supposed to do???? look for jobs that are not there??? retrain - lol the colleges can't keep up with demand??? sit back on the dole and hope they win the lottery before they die??? I find the arrogance of some people too much to bear at times. We should be building our manufacturing base and employing these people and then we would not have to rely on cheap and nasty foreign imports.

Next quote "Critics claim that Labour’s benefits policy has destroyed incentives to work for many families living in deprived areas, leaving them dependent on handouts and public housing. Around five million households are now living in social housing, with about half in council housing and the rest in housing association managed properties."

No answer to that piece of arrogance really except WE LIVE IN A SOCIAL SOCIETY AND WE HAVE TO LOOK AFTER ALL THAT CANNOT LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES and we must not forget this - I pay taxes and am more than happy if my money goes to those that really need it. I hope that you the reader feels the same as one day you might find yourself in that position and will welcome help and social housing, I have worked all my life and live in Social Housing and where I live I find that the people are decent people trying to live lives as best they can with a few exceptions so Daily Express I feel this time you have got it bloody wrong

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