Thursday 24 September 2009

Collaborate or Lose

Below is a post by my friend and True Patriot the Beacon, all Nationalist should read this message very carefully and think about it. I have been saying for a long time now that our situation a Nationalists is very similar to that of the Communists in 1920's/30's Germany when they saw the threat of the National Socialists led by Adolf Hitler, instead of banding together early in the game they were fragmented which basically left Germans with no one to vote for but Adolf Hitler, while we absolutely despise the communists we can take a very valuable lesson from 80 years ago. We must stop being talk shops and hiding in our own little groups complaining but doing nothing, we must band together in an alliance and , like the Beacon says we must put aside party differences and petty arguments and make sure there is a strong Nationalist candidate in each seat and all nationalist need to get behind that candidate. IF WE DON'T DO THIS THEN REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE IN OPPOSITION 80 YEARS AGO IN GERMANY.


British Nationalism

It looks more and more as April 2010 will be the date set for the general election. Labour can't afford to go in June taking the gamble they will prosper in the council elections to lead them to victory in the general. If they get a thrashing in May, and there is little evidence to show they won't, it will have to be April or May at best.

One slight worry is the nonsense being spun about a general election may spark riots. It has been suggested Brown may use that lie in order to declare a national emergency to postpone a general election. Conspiracy theory? Maybe.

The Nationalists in England are winning the argument and are definitely on the rise. We have to take our stand at this election for our own good. That means we have to stop party politics and petty arguments and support the Nationalist candidate regardless which party they stand for.

I'm not saying you have to give up your allegiance to your own party, you don't. What I am saying is give all the support you can to the Nationalist local to you. We have to use tactical measures to suit our cause.

This is not 1979 and Cameron is no Thatcher! We can take seats in Westminster if we really want to by concentrating on those who can win regardless which flag they fly under. In the end we all fly British flags be they Union or English.

I'm sure this plea of consolidation and co-operation will fall of deaf ears. Until those who call themselves nationalists put nationalism before party, we will continue to be kept put in the cold.


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