Labour funded terror group sparks riots in Harrow

The group had received permission from police to hold a two-hour peaceful protest at a massive new five-floor mosque is under construction on the anniversary of 9/11.
What was only a hand full of peaceful demonstrators had to be taken away by the police under protection for their own safety as bottles, bricks and fireworks rained down on the police from Muslim gangs and left wing extremists.

Only nine arrests were made as the police took a softly softly approach for the sake of social cohesion and diversity. Those arrested were taken in for possession of offensive weapons including a hammer, a chisel and bottles of bleach.
The UAF terror group headed by ex London Mayor and sponsored by left wing leader of the new Conservative party David Cameron, has use claw hammers in brutal attacks before. (Pictured right)
In an interview for Sky the Police, did come down on the side of the peaceful protesters, but used vague language when it came to naming those guilty of causing the riot.
As expected, the NUJ in the guise of Sky and the hard left BBC gave little coverage following NUJ guidelines of supporting diversity and multiculturalism by not reporting on ethnic rioting both issuing the same story almost word for word.
In this first You Tube Video by rulebreakersz you can clearly here members of the terrorist UAF winding up the crowd with a loud speaker saying "smash the BNP."
In this second BBC clip loaded onto You Tube by what appears to be one of the UAF terror group supporters, the blame is placed on "anti Islamic extremists" with no condemnation for the rioters as the camera pans across missiles thrown at police.
Due to NUJ reporting restrictions, it is only thanks to those there no matter which side we get to see the truth. It is plain to see that Muslim and government backed terror groups get different treatment to indigenous Britains.
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