The British National Party in Scotland has exposed Dumfries and Galloway Council for spending nearly a quarter of a million pounds on an ethnic organisation which bars white British people from becoming full members.
The shocking news was revealed by Dumfries and Galloway BNP organiser Ian Murphy in a press release after he obtained the figures following a Freedom of Information request.
“Almost £222,000 has been given to Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association which shows the lack of regard for Britain’s native population held at all levels of government,” said Mr Murphy.
“The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy and anti-British bias,” Mr Murphy continued. “At a time when our party is facing a government-inspired legal challenge to our indigenous membership criteria, we find out that £222,000 of taxpayers’ money has been given to an organisation whose constitution reserves membership for ethnic minorities.”
The information shows that over the past few years some £5,899 has been spent on citizenship ceremonies, £4,193 on telephone translation services and £13,650 on “diversity and equality awareness-related” training.
Mr Murphy added: “It’s disgusting that a quarter-million pounds of taxpayers’ money is being squandered on careless and wasteful politically correct spending in a region which has one of the smallest ethnic populations in the country.
“This region is also still in the middle of picking itself up from the wake of an economic body blow. Everyone here is engaged in a financial battle to stay alive, and the council is considering scrapping school meals because of financial constraints. But, it seems, they have money to spend on ethnic-only organisations.
“Frankly it’s a disgrace that the needs of alien minorities, who have paid less into the system, are put ahead of the welfare of our own children. This is just a portent of what is to follow for Britain’s next generation who are already treated like second class citizens in their own country,” he said.
This is a further example of multicuralism being racist towards the ethnic majority.
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