For all nationalist out there reading this blog - please read the story below and then think about your strategies for the General Election, as I have said before we all need to work together because for the first time in history Nationailst Parties have a chance of winning seats. BUT we all have to work together as I said in my previous post. The traditional assumption that support for political parties other than the main three disappears at a general election has been challenged by private polling seen by the BBC. And just ahead of their party conference, the research suggests that support for the Conservatives in some of their target seats has fallen slightly in the last year. The number of voters in marginal seats who said they would vote Labour instead has also stalled. But the striking change suggested by the data is the rise in the number of people who told pollsters they would vote for parties other than the big three. Marginal seats The polling was carried out by one time Conservative strategist Lynton Crosby, who spearheaded Michael Howard's general election campaign in 2005. It suggests that 44% of voters in key marginal seats like Crawley and Hove in the south of England would vote Tory at a general election - down from 48% last year. Support for Labour is languishing at 20%, while the Lib Dems are down from 21% to 18%. But support for "others" - UKIP, the Green Party, the BNP and other small parties - has doubled, from 9% to 18%. The polling suggests a surge in support for UKIP, in particular. In summer 2008, just 1% of people in marginal seats said they would back the party at a general election. Now that figure has risen to 6%. The Greens have seen a smaller increase, from 4% to 6% while the BNP rating has gone up by just one point, from 2% to 3%. The increase in support for the lesser-known parties has come at a cost to all of the major ones, the research suggests. But the Tories may be most worried about the downward shift as it suggests they have been just as badly affected by the public's anger over the expenses scandal as Labour - if not more so. The research, which was carried out in July for the pressure group Flying Matters, also reveals that the drop in Labour's support matches almost directly the switch of the party's leader from Blair to Brown. But it also suggests that about a quarter of people's allegiances are "soft", meaning they are yet to make up their minds. Worries about jobs, not surprisingly, have gone up the list of voters' concerns. Healthcare and crime were the second and third most important priorities, while concerns about the environment have become less of an issue in voters' minds. It is, of course, only one piece of polling, and it would be dangerous to translate it into solid conclusions. But it does give a rare glimpse of political shifts in the places around the country where the next general election will be decided. |
Friday, 2 October 2009
Smaller parties 'gaining ground'
Radio Station live 4th October 6pm onwards Sunday
- 6.00pm Nationalist News
- 6.10pm Rock Show with The Drewmeister - from Wales all the latest in Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, this is loud and vey heavy - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
- 7.00pm Nationalist News
- 7.10pm Rock n Roll show - Biggles takes you thru the years with topical conversation and news.
- 8.00pm Nationalist News
- 8.10pm V for Vendetta - Vendetta tells you as it is with dedications and classic rock and pop music.
- 9.00pm Nationalist News
- 9.10pm Letter to Britain by The Beacon followed by extended interviews with the leading lights of the English Democrats including the Chairman Robin Tilbrook and Doncaster Mayor Peter Davies and topical Conversation.
- 10.00pm Nationalist News
- 10.10pm Speech by a Leading Nationalist followed by conversation and music.
- 11.00pm Nationalist News followed by National Anthem and Close - with your views - with your music requests - if you have news or events that you would like us to mention
Websites carrying the radio
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Collaborate or Lose
British Nationalism

One slight worry is the nonsense being spun about a general election may spark riots. It has been suggested Brown may use that lie in order to declare a national emergency to postpone a general election. Conspiracy theory? Maybe.
The Nationalists in England are winning the argument and are definitely on the rise. We have to take our stand at this election for our own good. That means we have to stop party politics and petty arguments and support the Nationalist candidate regardless which party they stand for.
I'm not saying you have to give up your allegiance to your own party, you don't. What I am saying is give all the support you can to the Nationalist local to you. We have to use tactical measures to suit our cause.
This is not 1979 and Cameron is no Thatcher! We can take seats in Westminster if we really want to by concentrating on those who can win regardless which flag they fly under. In the end we all fly British flags be they Union or English.
I'm sure this plea of consolidation and co-operation will fall of deaf ears. Until those who call themselves nationalists put nationalism before party, we will continue to be kept put in the cold.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
And finally from my Scottish Friend a piece of brilliance
Clearly it doesn't belong there, because that's turned into a serious and lengthy discussion, while this is just a bit of tongue-in-cheek hooliganism. Nonetheless, it does illustrate some of SU's points about the fairly unique nature of British national identity.
This isn't new - you'll have seen it knocking around before - but I've added a Scotland-specific coda.
For those who are offended all I'd like to say is: Hee!
"European Terror Alert Status Update
The British are feeling the pinch in relation to recent bombings and have raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved". Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross". Londoners have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorised from "Tiresome" to a "Bloody Nuisance". The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was during the great fire of 1666.
Also, the French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide". The only two higher levels in France are "Surrender" and "Collaborate". The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country's military capability.
It's not only the British and French that are on a heightened level of alert. Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and Excitedly" to "Elaborate Military Posturing". Two more levels remain: "Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides".
The Germans also increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs". They also have two higher levels: "Invade Several Neighbouring Countries" and "Lose".
The Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual, and the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.
Meanwhile in Edinburgh, the devolved SNP Government has also been forced to respond. After initially declaring that it could not do anything because it lacked the full portfolio of policy levers available to an independent state, it has now declared that it has delegated the matter to its local councils via a "Historic Concordat" which does not actually commit them to do anything, but serves the purpose of deflecting any blame away from the SNP.
Well-placed sources indicate that more robust measures have been discussed, but these depend on funding being available from something called the "SFT", which unfortunately does not exist.
The same sources indicate that in the last resort, First Minister Salmond will communicate directly with any terrorists, blaming their grievances on the English and quisling, traitorous, lickspittle Scottish unionists, and beg them to restrict their activities to south of the border."
Second part of Mythbusters Porn subject
Still off-topic: CVF porn

Enjoy pics of the future flagships of Her Britannic Majesty's Royal Navy.
Which will, of course, be substantially built in Scotland (some blocks on the Clyde, and final assembly at Rosyth), unless a certain idiotic separatist party gets its way and manages to destroy both a major Scottish industry and the integrated defence of the United Kingdom.
But it's not going to happen, so why worry?
LMAO at this post by the Mythbuster from Scotland
Off-topic: submarine porn

Now isn't the Astute seriously cool and sexy?
There are all sorts of features on that hull which make you want to sit down with the designer and ask "Why that?"
Except, of course, that all he could do would be to shrug and make slitting motions near his throat.
Creeping sort of back on-topic, it is of course highly gratifying that as part of the UK we will have babies like the Astute defending us. Not something an "independent" Scotland could afford by any stretch.
And, of course, the Astutes are a bit late and over-budget. This is because there was too much of a gap between the last order for the Vanguard-class bombers and the first for the Astutes, which meant that the one yard in the country which can build subs (Barrow) suffered significant de-skilling.
Which leads on to further thoughts about Trident replacement. If this is cancelled or delayed, then we might find ourselves having to order extra Astute-class SSNs. Otherwise, Barrow will shut and the UK will lose, for ever and ever, the capability to build nuclear-powered subs. Which are literally in a different order-of-magnitude class of effectiveness from conventional diesel-electric boats.
This feeds in to the Trident-replacement debate, as you can see. A huge chunk of the apparent cost-saving from not replacing Trident disappears, unless you are also willing to see Barrow close and the loss of a UK SSN construction capability. It's not just about morals or costs, it affects industrial strategy.

PLANS for the NHS to train Libyan doctors after an agreement signed by a Cabinet minister last year provoked anger last night.
The deal is the latest in a series of moves to improve relations between Britain and the north African state.
But it comes amid growing concern over Britain’s co-operation with Libya which was an international pariah for years following the 1988 bombing of PanAm flight 103 over Lockerbie, which killed 270 people.
Last night the Department of Health dismissed as “nonsense” suggestions the agreement had any link with the recent controversial release of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al Megrahi or trade deals with the oil-rich regime of Colonel Gaddafi.
Critics, however, said the move was a clear continuation of a “strategy of appeasement” to Libya.
The row over Britain’s relations with Libya intensified after police leaders accused the Government of being willing “to sell its soul for trade deals” following the disclosure that Jack Straw agreed the killer of Pc Yvonne Fletcher would not be brought to justice in Britain.
Paul McKeever, chairman of the Police Federation, said he was “appalled”.
Ed Davey of the Liberal Democrats said: “This appears to be part of a concerted strategy of appeasement which has seen the Lockerbie bomber go free while denying justice to the family of Yvonne Fletcher.”
Under a memorandum of understanding, signed by former Health Secretary Alan Johnson in spring 2008, Libyan medical staff will get a year’s instruction in Britain in areas such as intensive care, anaesthetics and endoscopy, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology.
Links have also been formed between London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital and the main eye hospital in the Libyan capital Tripoli.
But opposition MPs said it appeared to fit a pattern of measures to appease Col Gaddafi, including the release of Megrahi.
Tory Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague said: “The suspicion and confusion surrounding ministers’ dealings with Libya will only be sorted out by the independent inquiry we continue to call for.”
Monday, 14 September 2009
Racism rears its ugly head in Scotland

The British National Party in Scotland has exposed Dumfries and Galloway Council for spending nearly a quarter of a million pounds on an ethnic organisation which bars white British people from becoming full members.
The shocking news was revealed by Dumfries and Galloway BNP organiser Ian Murphy in a press release after he obtained the figures following a Freedom of Information request.
“Almost £222,000 has been given to Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association which shows the lack of regard for Britain’s native population held at all levels of government,” said Mr Murphy.
“The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy and anti-British bias,” Mr Murphy continued. “At a time when our party is facing a government-inspired legal challenge to our indigenous membership criteria, we find out that £222,000 of taxpayers’ money has been given to an organisation whose constitution reserves membership for ethnic minorities.”
The information shows that over the past few years some £5,899 has been spent on citizenship ceremonies, £4,193 on telephone translation services and £13,650 on “diversity and equality awareness-related” training.
Mr Murphy added: “It’s disgusting that a quarter-million pounds of taxpayers’ money is being squandered on careless and wasteful politically correct spending in a region which has one of the smallest ethnic populations in the country.
“This region is also still in the middle of picking itself up from the wake of an economic body blow. Everyone here is engaged in a financial battle to stay alive, and the council is considering scrapping school meals because of financial constraints. But, it seems, they have money to spend on ethnic-only organisations.
“Frankly it’s a disgrace that the needs of alien minorities, who have paid less into the system, are put ahead of the welfare of our own children. This is just a portent of what is to follow for Britain’s next generation who are already treated like second class citizens in their own country,” he said.
This is a further example of multicuralism being racist towards the ethnic majority.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
A Video for the Nation
Anjem Choudry - Listen to a terrorist and traitor speak
Radio Station update

- 7pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 7.10pm Bitch Of The Day followed by British and European Rock n Roll with The Roadrunner playing classic and new British and European Rock n Roll plus your requests
- 8pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 8.10pm Rock Music with V for Vendetta playing the best of Rock music from around the world and dedications
- 9pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 9.10pm British Pop and Folk mix including music from the 40's to the present day and a Letter to Britain Presented by The Beacon plus a spirited discussion on the hot topics from the week that was - we do invite audience participation in this so email us with your views and questions to the comments address below.
- 10pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 10.10pm Classic British Tune followed by the National Anthem and close.
SAS Trains Libyans - Libyans train terrorists

Thank you to the Telegraph for this story:
The SAS has been ordered by the Government to train Libyan special forces despite the country having armed the IRA, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
By Thomas Harding, Defence Correspondent
Published: 10:35PM BST 11 Sep 2009
For the past six months Britain’s elite troops have been schooling soldiers working for Col Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, which for years provided Republican terrorists with the Semtex explosive, machine-guns and anti-aircraft missiles used against British troops during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
Sources within the SAS have expressed distaste at the agreement, which they believe could be connected to the release of the Lockerbie bomber.
Britain’s relationship with Libya has been under the spotlight since Abdelbaset al Megrahi was freed from a Scottish jail on compassionate grounds last month after being diagnosed as suffering from terminal prostate cancer and given three months to live.
Gordon Brown has faced claims that his Government helped engineer Megrahi’s release to promote Britain’s commercial interests, particularly energy, in Libya.
Downing Street has denied the allegations, but Jack Straw, the Justice Minister, has admitted that trade was a factor in deciding to include Megrahi in an earlier prisoner transfer agreement with Libya. Megrahi was the only person convicted for the murder of 270 people killed in the bombing in 1988 of Pan Am flight 103.
The disclosure that members of the SAS are training their Libyan counterparts will further raise suspicions about exactly what has been agreed behind the scenes between Tripoli and Britain.
It will also infuriate families of the Lockerbie victims and further sour relations with America. Earlier this week, President Barack Obama told the Prime Minister of his “disappointment” over Megrahi’s release.
Defence sources said the training arrangement must have been given high-level political approval.
Members of Britain’s elite regiment are angry at having to help train soldiers from a country that for years armed terrorists they fought against.
An SAS source said: “A small SAS training team have been doing it for the last six months as part of this cosy deal with the Libyans.
“From our perspective we cannot see it as part of anything else other than the Megrahi deal.” Another SAS soldier said: “The IRA was our greatest adversary now we are training their backers. There was a weary rolling of the eyes when we were told about this.”
The Ministry of Defence refuses to comment on special forces activities, but sources have admitted that SAS reserves have bolstered the team that has been training “Libyan infantry in basic skills”.
A senior defence source admitted: “This is a huge political embarrassment.’’
The first moves towards setting up the training agreement are believed to have begun after Tony Blair visited
Libya as Prime Minister in 2004. However, the deal was only finalised and “signed off” by Mr Brown earlier this year.
Robin Horsfall, a former SAS soldier who took part in the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980 and fought the IRA in Northern Ireland, said:
“There is a long list of British soldiers who have died because of Gaddafi funding terrorists.
“The SAS is being ordered to do something it knows is morally wrong.’’
The team – a troop of between four and 14 men – is training the Libyans in counter-terrorism techniques, including covert surveillance.
However, the “full spectrum of techniques” learned from fighting Islamic terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan is not expected to be passed on.
Once an international pariah, Col Gaddafi agreed in 2003 to give up Libya’s weapons of mass destruction and has since enjoyed steadily improving relations with the West.
News Update from Bedfordshire Beacon
Labour funded terror group sparks riots in Harrow

The group had received permission from police to hold a two-hour peaceful protest at a massive new five-floor mosque is under construction on the anniversary of 9/11.
What was only a hand full of peaceful demonstrators had to be taken away by the police under protection for their own safety as bottles, bricks and fireworks rained down on the police from Muslim gangs and left wing extremists.

Only nine arrests were made as the police took a softly softly approach for the sake of social cohesion and diversity. Those arrested were taken in for possession of offensive weapons including a hammer, a chisel and bottles of bleach.
The UAF terror group headed by ex London Mayor and sponsored by left wing leader of the new Conservative party David Cameron, has use claw hammers in brutal attacks before. (Pictured right)
In an interview for Sky the Police, did come down on the side of the peaceful protesters, but used vague language when it came to naming those guilty of causing the riot.
As expected, the NUJ in the guise of Sky and the hard left BBC gave little coverage following NUJ guidelines of supporting diversity and multiculturalism by not reporting on ethnic rioting both issuing the same story almost word for word.
In this first You Tube Video by rulebreakersz you can clearly here members of the terrorist UAF winding up the crowd with a loud speaker saying "smash the BNP."
In this second BBC clip loaded onto You Tube by what appears to be one of the UAF terror group supporters, the blame is placed on "anti Islamic extremists" with no condemnation for the rioters as the camera pans across missiles thrown at police.
Due to NUJ reporting restrictions, it is only thanks to those there no matter which side we get to see the truth. It is plain to see that Muslim and government backed terror groups get different treatment to indigenous Britains.
Hezbollah Terrorists Plan March

The EDL website writes:
13th September 2009: London
The Home Office bent over backwards to ban us from Luton, yet Hezbollah, a Muslim Terrorist Organisation's supporters are due to march through London this coming Sunday. I wonder if we have missed the Al-Qaida March? We urge everybody who can to come to London to oppose this. We will be meeting around Trafalgar square. More to follow.
Radio Free Britain will be following this story very closely as we are sure that both The UAF and The NUJ will organise terrorist acts against peaceful protesters but WILL support the Muslim Terrorists, on Sunday we would live to hear from anyone that was on the march or eyewitness acounts so that we can report the truth unlike the British Bolshevik Corporation.
Just in case any UAF are reading this post a little message for you "we are now watching you and we will now start countering your lies but unlike you we are still doing this in a lawful and peaceful way" Good luck to our friends from the EDL.
Radio Station update

- 7pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 7.10pm Bitch Of The Day followed by British and European Rock n Roll with The Roadrunner playing classic and new British and European Rock n Roll plus your requests
- 8pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 8.10pm Rock Music with V for Vendetta playing the best of Rock music from around the world and dedications
- 9pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 9.10pm British Pop and Folk mix including music from the 40's to the present day and a Letter to Britain Presented by The Beacon plus a spirited discussion on the hot topics from the week that was - we do invite audience participation in this so email us with your views and questions to the comments address below.
- 10pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 10.10pm Classic British Tune followed by the National Anthem and close.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Radio Station goes live next Sunday
- 7pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 7.10pm British Rock n Roll with The Roadrunner playing classic and new British Rock n Roll
- 8pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 8.10pm British Rock Music with V for Vendetta playing the best of British Rock music and dedications
- 9pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 9.10pm British Pop and Folk mix including music from the 40's to the present day and a Letter to Britain Presented by The Beacon
- 10pm National News (weekly Nationalist News round up with V for Vendetta and Bedfordshire Beacon)
- 10.10pm Classic British Tune followed by the National Anthem and close.
Friday, 28 August 2009
You Won't Catch Me I'm Part Of The Union

A cost of "independence"
(a) we don't want to turn the rest of the UK into a foreign country; and
(b) the numbers (now endorsed by the SNP) show that Scotland would be, at best, no better economically out of the Union than in it; of the things that is bothersome is the inevitable and unnecessary costs of duplicating stuff that is currently done on a shared basis through the UK.
It occurred to me that it ought to be relatively easy to get a handle on the numbers for one aspect of this, namely diplomatic representation: embassies, consulates and the like.
Let us look at some facts.
As part of the UK, we are represented abroad by 261 embassies, high commissions, consulates and so on.
The total FCO budget seems to be around £1.7bn. So, very crudely, dividing one number by the other (and ignoring the fact that not all the costs are associated with the embassies and so on) the cost per overseas mission is £6.5m. Of which Scotland's share (at around 8.5%) is only £550k per mission, for a total of £144.5m.
For comparison, Ireland has only 75 missions abroad. Applying the same methodology, the Irish DFA costs €207m, or £178m - £2.6m per mission.
So, Irish embassies, consulates and so on are cheaper than British ones. Not surprising - not only will they be in less grand and expensive premises, but they will be more lightly staffed and less effective. After all, the smaller and more insignificant a country is, the less the rest of the world cares what it thinks - and so the less point there is in that country paying people to explain what it thinks!
The point is, of course, that Scotland currently gets representation by 261 missions abroad for £144.5m. An "independent" Scotland would, like Ireland, have to pay £34m more to achieve less than 30% of the representation it currently gets. (Oh I know, "independent" Scotland ought to be entitled to 8.5% of the embassy estate. This would no doubt be expressed as a cheque for the capital value, offset by the rental of a couple of portakabins in the embassy grounds until the new Scottish diplomats found new digs.)
Now these are only small numbers, but they are illustrative. Multiply these sort of effects across the health, education and social security systems and suddenly you're into billions. And as the saying goes, "A billion here and a billion there, and before you know it you're talking real money."
Divorce is an expensive business."
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Working classes betrayed
Between 1981 and 2006, the proportion of social housing tenants in full-time employment fell from 67 per cent to 34 per cent."
Full time employment has fallen because previous and present governments since 1981 have killed of our manufacturing industry,our mining, steel and fuel industry's and small businesses which is where the majority of these people used to work. There is no work for people who basically will never be the brightest sparks on the planet but they are people who would normally have a niche in society and it is one that is normally essential, but things are not normal in this country any more not since the days of Mrs Thatcher's war with the Unions and the Miners when she effectively killed off the working class communities by closing down their pits and their factories, I like Mrs Thacher mind you but always felt that she acted like a woman scorned when confronted with the nations workers. Then the government decided to sell off the housing stock either to individuals under the right to buy (which was a great idea if they had only built a house for everyone that they sold) or they sold to Housing Associations (private enterprise which means profit making by the way which isn't too bad provided rents stay at an acceptable level and work gets done - not like my local Association Aragon or ARROGANT as their tenants and locals call them).
So what are these working class people supposed to do???? look for jobs that are not there??? retrain - lol the colleges can't keep up with demand??? sit back on the dole and hope they win the lottery before they die??? I find the arrogance of some people too much to bear at times. We should be building our manufacturing base and employing these people and then we would not have to rely on cheap and nasty foreign imports.
Next quote "Critics claim that Labour’s benefits policy has destroyed incentives to work for many families living in deprived areas, leaving them dependent on handouts and public housing. Around five million households are now living in social housing, with about half in council housing and the rest in housing association managed properties."
No answer to that piece of arrogance really except WE LIVE IN A SOCIAL SOCIETY AND WE HAVE TO LOOK AFTER ALL THAT CANNOT LOOK AFTER THEMSELVES and we must not forget this - I pay taxes and am more than happy if my money goes to those that really need it. I hope that you the reader feels the same as one day you might find yourself in that position and will welcome help and social housing, I have worked all my life and live in Social Housing and where I live I find that the people are decent people trying to live lives as best they can with a few exceptions so Daily Express I feel this time you have got it bloody wrong
Monday, 17 August 2009
Traitors, Quislings and Cowards betray our Heroes
It is time for all proper minded people in this country to stand up and say NO MORE to their lies and spin and to recall these traitorous dogs back to their workplace where they belong at this time, Churchill would never have gone on a 3 month holiday and even when he did take a break their was always a speech from him to look forward to on the radio. Our Heroes are suffering for these traitors yet Brown has not been seen or heard from since Parliament broke up for its annual holidays. Personally I would like them hauled through traitors gate and then handed over to the Marines for some preferential treatment.
I'm Back with a vengeance
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
The Griff says "sink em"

Thought I would stop work and watch the news tonight and boy was it worth it.
BNP Leader Nick Griffin MEP was featured and the story was the first one in ages where you had a politician speaking the truth and also being tongue in cheek, or was he.
Nick has said today that we should get tough and sink some of the boats coming over from Africa using what could loosely be termed "gunboat diplomacy" and throw them a life raft.
See link for full story:
BNP News Story
I actually agree with you Nick and thank you for speaking out, Australia already does this and it works, so if Australia are not being racist then surely we would not be racist by doing the same. The great thing about this idea is that under maritime law all those that are shipwrecked must be rescued and put ashore to the nearest country and then be repatriated to the country of origin so these illegal economic immigrants would end up going round in circles.
I am sure that the PC Marxist brigade such as searchlight and the UAF will be up in arms about this but they will be in the minority as most people are now fed up with being swamped across Europe with these economic vampires.
Of course an easier solution would be to make Great Britain unpalatable to these people by stopping the free state handouts that they get when they enter this country.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Racist or PC ?

In Memory of ALL innocents who have died at the hands of extremists
- On the 7th July 2005 Muslim Extremists (Al-Qaida) set out to Kill and Mame as many innocent civilians as they could no matter what race or creed their victims were.
- On the 20th March 1993 Catholic Extremists (IRA) set out to Kill and Mame as many innocent civilians as they could no matter what race or creed their victims were.
- In the 1930's Millions of Jews were murdered by Right Wing Extremists (Nazi's) to further their cause.
- In the 1970's Pol Pot murdered 21% of the Cambodian population to further his lust for power.
- Israel continually commits acts of Terrorism on the state of Palestine.
The pro